Year: 2020

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Man Resting on Hammock Outside

Should You Still Lift with DOMS or Rest?

DOMS, or ‘delayed onset muscle soreness’, is the soreness that you feel in your muscles after training. DOMS mostly occurs from eccentric activity. This is because the lengthening of a muscle under resistance damages muscle fibers. This damage can vary in its severity and manifests itself in soreness following the days after a workout. DOMS mostly results from performing new exercises or training again after time off. This is because when your muscles are used more than is normal,…

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Bodybuilder Looking at Biceps while Holding Weight

Agmatine Sulfate Supplement for Bodybuilding

Agmatine sulfate is a metabolite of the amino acid L-arginine. L-arginine is the primary substrate used to produce nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a neurotransmitter that dilates blood vessels and increases blood flow. By increasing nitric oxide, you will recover better from workouts, get better pumps, build more muscle, and have more energy. On its own, L-arginine is not very effective to take for the production of nitric oxide since it is not easily absorbed by the body. In…

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Man Doing Deadlifts at a Gym

High Reps vs. Heavy Weight For Building Muscle

In the interest of building muscle, the best way to stimulate growth is to focus on maximum contraction and stretching of the muscle being worked while applying progressive overload. This means that doing reps with good form and consistently doing higher volume over time is what matters most for making gains. If you are more intent on gaining strength, it is better to lift heavy weights for less reps. This is because lifting heavy weights for less reps results…

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Milk Being Poured into Cup With Coffee

Does Milk Increase Estrogen in Men?

The milk that is being drank today is far different than the milk that was drank 100 years ago. This is because the cows that are currently producing milk are modified to be able lactate through the entirety of their pregnancy. The problem with this extended period of lactation is that during the latter half of a cows pregnancy its estrogen levels increase up to 34 times the amount that they normally would be during when they naturally could…

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Bowl with Oatmeal and Blueberries

Top 10 High Volume Foods For a Cutting Diet

When cutting, the largest challenge often faced is the feeling of hunger. If you are constantly hungry, this will make being on low calories much more difficult. It is important to stick to your calories in order to lose fat but some may struggle with not going over their calories due to not feeling full. Volume eating can solve this problem by filling you up with high volume foods that are not high in calories. When eating high volume…

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Man Doing Cardio at Gym with Mouth Closed

How Nasal Breathing Can Improve Performance

Most people have heard that breathing through your nose and out your mouth is the best way to train. For runners, one of the first things which is taught is that it is essential to breathe in through their noses, not their mouths. This is true for all athletes and can be applied for improved performance in lifting, cardio, stretching, sports training, and all other forms of activity. The are many reasons for this. For increased performance during training…

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Close Up of Boron

Why All Men Need To Take a Boron Supplement

Boron is a nonessential mineral found in many nuts, fruits, and vegetables. It is not present in meat but is found in high quantities of many foods like raisins, almonds, and hazelnuts. While boron is not needed by the body, it has been shown to have a positive impact on cognition, bone growth, mood, energy levels, and male hormones. There are multiple mechanisms responsible for these benefits but the primary action of boron that makes it beneficial for men…

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Can You Workout the Same Muscle Everyday?

It is generally recommended to workout 4-6 days a week and hit each muscle group twice. More than 6 days a week of training is usually deemed as counterproductive and hitting an individual muscle more than 6 days a week is seen by most as extreme to the point of harm. This is because, after working out the muscle needs to be able to recover fully before undergoing additional training. If a muscle is not able to recover, you…

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Bag and Shaker Containing Pre-Workout

Do You Need Pre-Workout To Gain Muscle?

One of most common supplements to take before training is a pre-workout. Pre-workouts are blends of different ingredients taken to get better pumps, have more energy when lifting, maximize performance, and make the workout more enjoyable. There are both pros and cons to taking pre-workouts but ultimately they are not needed for gaining muscle. The pros of taking pre-workouts are better performance, lifts, pumps, focus, and mood during training. All of these effects can help you build muscle. Buying…

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Man Biking Outside with Visible Arm Veins

6 Supplements for Better Blood Flow and Circulation

Poor blood flow can cause many problems for both the gym and overall health. In order for the body to send nutrients and oxygen to muscles, there needs to be healthy circulation. Without good circulation, recovery from training would be very poor and performance during exercise would be diminished. Circulation is also important for brain health, focus, performance during sex, testosterone, and almost every other function in the body. There are several supplements which are able to improve blood…

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