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Bag and Shaker Containing Pre-Workout

Do You Need Pre-Workout To Gain Muscle?

One of most common supplements to take before training is a pre-workout. Pre-workouts are blends of different ingredients taken to get better pumps, have more energy when lifting, maximize performance, and make the workout more enjoyable. There are both pros and cons to taking pre-workouts but ultimately they are not needed for gaining muscle. The pros of taking pre-workouts are better performance, lifts, pumps, focus, and mood during training. All of these effects can help you build muscle. Buying…

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Man Biking Outside with Visible Arm Veins

6 Supplements for Better Blood Flow and Circulation

Poor blood flow can cause many problems for both the gym and overall health. In order for the body to send nutrients and oxygen to muscles, there needs to be healthy circulation. Without good circulation, recovery from training would be very poor and performance during exercise would be diminished. Circulation is also important for brain health, focus, performance during sex, testosterone, and almost every other function in the body. There are several supplements which are able to improve blood…

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Two Men Doing Mobility Training Outside

The Benefits of Mobility Training for Lifting

Mobility is the ability to move a joint through its full range of motion. While flexibility increases the length of the muscle, mobility improves the ability of that muscle to go fluidly through movements. Flexibility is increased from passive stretching and mobility is increased through active stretching. Passive stretching includes things like touching your toes and holding them. Active stretching includes things like touching your toes then bringing one foot up into the air. There are many reasons to…

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Shirtless Man with a Good Physique Walking Next To a Woman on a Beach

Do Good Physiques Matter to Girls?

Lifting takes a large amount of effort. Building a good physique can often take years to achieve. All this work must be motivated by something. For some guys, this motivation comes from wanting increase their value as a man to women. The logic often is that a better physique equals better chances when trying to get a girl. This logic is partly true but when broken down is not so simple. The relationship between how good your physique and…

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Close Up of Pine Pollen

Pine Pollen and Testosterone Levels

Pine pollen is one of the more mysterious supplements taken for building muscle and improving health. This supplement grabs attention for claims such as its ability to double testosterone and significantly elevate muscle recovery. These claims of boosting testosterone have been backed up by men who have taken pine pollen and found TRT-like impacts on their sex hormones. The reason for this profound impact of pine pollen on male sex hormones is that pine pollen contains phytoandrogens. Phytoandrogens are…

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Muscular Man Tying Shoe on Sidewalk

Top 5 Quickest Ways To Burn Calories

Burning calories quick is a common goal among weightlifters, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and everyone else who want to burn off fat to look better and be more healthy. By burning calories, you can leave more room in your diet for food when cutting which will make it easier to stay in a calorie deficit. The hardest aspect of losing fat for most people is sticking to your calories. By doing more cardio, this will allow you to stick to…

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Man Writing on Tablet

How To Write Yourself a Training Program

There are many people who go to the gym and lift weights without following any thing more than a simple split. While a split can certainly make you gains and even training without any plan or split can also make you gains, these are not optimal approaches to accomplishing your physique and strength goals. The main advantages of following a training program are periodization, variance in exercises, more control over strength gains, consistent progress, and higher accountability. These are…

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Close Up of Protein Being Poured into Shaker

The Amount of Protein Needed For Muscle Growth

The amount of protein that is needed for muscle growth is constantly debated about and fuels one of the largest sources for myths in the fitness and supplement industries. The reason for the confusion over optimal protein intake is that there is a confliction between studies and recommendations from trainers and fitness experts. Most studies that are done on protein intake are designed to find what the minimum amount of protein needed is for people to stay out of…

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Shirtless Muscular Blonde Man at Gym

Is There a Genetic Predisposition To Muscle Building?

There are many people who train for several months at a gym then become disheartened because they realize how their body responds to lifting is not the same as others. While everyone has an equal opportunity to workout, not everyone has an equal starting point. This unequal starting part is based off genetics. The two main ways that genetics impact how well you can build muscle are through genes that affect hypertrophy and your unique muscle insertions. There are…

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Man Sleeping on Couch

The Optimal Number of Hours To Sleep For Gains

While the training that breaks down muscles is done in the gym, and the calories that repair muscle are made in the kitchen, the actual recovery that builds muscle is done in the bedroom. Without sleep, not only would your gains suffer, but you would also die and function terribly up until that point. The body is capable of going over 50 days without food and over 20 without water but can not function for more than 11 days…

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